VinSolutions CRM Mobile App

Opportunity in the palm of your hand.


The Challenge

As texting and other messaging platforms have risen in popularity for businesses, customers have come to expect fast, relevant responses from retailers they reach out to – including dealerships. But many sales teams lack the tools they need to respond to customers on the go, while keeping all communications tracked in the CRM.


How We Solve It

With the VinSolutions mobile app, dealers can communicate with customers in real time, from anywhere. The mobile app provides salespeople with full follow-up functionality and quick, easy access to critical information, including inventory, customer records and conversation histories.


Watch In Action

Learn how the Don Johnson Auto Group streamlines processes and improves the customer experience using VinSolution's CRM mobile app.

Product Features


Follow up from your phone

Review your sales, lead buckets, desking, demos, write-ups, appointments and dealership visits and know exactly which leads need a follow-up from anywhere.

Communicate Quickly

Access customer conversation histories and reply to text messages directly via push notifications on your device’s lock screen, keeping all conversations in VinSolutions CRM without having to manually search for customer records.


Capture critical data in a snap

Get your customers on their test drive sooner by using the camera on your mobile device to quickly capture and save customer’s critical data and documents.

Pinpoint customer preferences

Keep your customers’ vehicle preferences up-to-date using the Vehicle of Interest Scanner, which allows you to quickly search inventory and simply scan the VIN to add it as a customer’s primary vehicle of interest.


Search inventory instantly

Quickly search your entire inventory from your mobile device to find the car your customer wants.

Track mobile customer calls

Call customers directly from their customer record using your mobile device – while still using the dealership’s phone number. Log that communication into VinSolutions CRM customer records using Call Tracking.


Available on iOS and Android

VinSolutions CRM is available on iOS and Android devices and supports iOS version 12 and above and Android 7 (Nougat) and above.


Let us show you how to follow up from anywhere with the VinSolutions CRM mobile app.

Complete the form below to request a demo.

Required form fields

Product(s) of Interest
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