Our Team in the News

With all the news out there these days, it’s easy to miss must-read articles. So we’ve curated some of the best stories from the past couple of weeks – ones featuring our team members! Check out the interesting insights in the news from the VinSolutions team.


With all the news out there these days, it’s easy to miss must-read articles. So we’ve curated some of the best dealership CRM stories from the past couple of weeks – ones featuring our team members! Check out the interesting insights in the news from the VinSolutions team. 

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CBT News Video: How to Successfully Engage Your Car Buying Customers Online

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VinSolutions Senior Director of Performance Management Mark Vickery discusses how to optimize your dealership’s online presence and making the best of the opportunities in front of you.  

Dealer News Today Podcast: Adapting to Digital Sales

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VinSolutions Senior Director of Performance Management Mark Vickery Mark talks about the road to digital adoption at dealerships and how technology decisions can impact the future of your car dealership.

CBT News Video: Dealer Roundtables on Silver Linings in Marketing, Fixed Operations, and Sales

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Lori Wittman, Senior Vice President of Dealer Software Solutions, Cox Automotive, and James Maynard, Senior Vice President of Product Development for Cox Automotive, discuss with dealers what is working well in the current market landscape and where to look for new opportunities for success.