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VIN24-0135_Metrics-That-Matter-Playbook_Blog-Image_600x336_v1 1m Read

The Metrics that Matter: Key Takeaways

The Retail Automotive landscape is changing, again. The sales team you manage today needs proper coaching and leadership to go beyond the mindset of the low-inventory, pandemic-era experience. â€‹ But where should you begin? (For an in-depth discussion of how to use reports in VinSolutions CRM to improve performance, watch our Performance Review.) We’ve summarized the top five strategies you can implement immediately to focus your team on the
ales Software Evaluation: Which CRM Fits Your Needs? 1m Read

Sales Software Evaluation: Which CRM Fits Your Needs? 

Identifying the right sales software for your team can be challenging, especially because today’s solutions deliver much more value than yesterday’s CRMs.   This guide arms you with questions that will help you determine which solution provider offers the best capabilities in these categories:   Lead management  Deal management  Shopper data and personalization  Reporting  Marketing  Partnership  Ready